5th of Every Month.
5 Categories.


Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!
(and if you haven’t already what are you waiting for!)

We are excited to share latest trends and hottest products directly to your inbox monthly.
Our goal is to ensure you have a good pulse on the branded products market!
We look forward to interact and connect with you! xoxo, The 5-5-5 Team.

We are Brittney & Addie
and we are your 5-5-5 Team!

Our monthly newsletter will introduce and educate you on 5 product categories, on the 5th of every month at 5pm, so stay-tuned and don’t miss out on all the latest and coolest!

With this initiative, our goal is to help YOU save time by streamlining a process that aims to improve the quality  and creativity of sourced branded product you are already purchasing.

Join us on this fun adventure and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Hi I'm Addie!
1 of 2
and I'm Brittney! 2 of 2

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Popping into the new year

Popping into the New Year

As you prepare for the New Year, consider making a strong promotional and marketing partner a top priority. The Brandit Agency is here to help. ...
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